Category Archives: 3. TEXT :

Istorii ot Nevidimoto v Pernik Smachkano 1

“Stories from the Invisible” – poetic-musical artistic-educational series

The series of events entitled “Stories from the Invisible” started with 2 performances on March 9 and 10. The performance unites poets, actors lecturers and musicians on one stage. The initiative was taken by the poet and cultural anthropologist Petar Kanev, and the idea is for artists to get stage time for a more in-depth presentation of their ideas.

featuring: Violeta Zlatareva, Dimitar Petrov-Regin, Denis Olegov, Dimitra Kaneva (poetry); Violina Dotseva, Miroslav Moravski-Moro (author’s songs); arch. Gergana Stefanova and Ivan Popov-Ivo (Hellion Stone and Sdruzenie Stastlivetsa) – favorite songs for guitar and vocals; Petar Kanev (clever words and riddles) With the support of Shtastlivetsa Sofia Civic Association and the Place for Future Transdisciplinary Educational Network .




Emmanuel HUSSENET, Journalist & Adventurer: La COP21 à Paris pourrait-elle changer le monde ? Face à un enjeu universel, les limites du pouvoir politique ?

Within the framework of the project “Enabling students and citizens to realize their global environmental and social footprint” (CEE Bankwatch Network (No 681/15)in May 2016, Shtastlivetsa Association invited the French polar explorer, journalist and writer Emmanuel Hussenet from the organisation “Robinsons of Ice” to Bulgaria.

Since his youth, Mr. Hussenet has been familiar with the polar ice sheet problems caused by climate change. In the past few years, Emmanuel Hussenet had embarked on an international political initiative to declare the disappearing island Hans in the northern polar circle as an international zone, a symbol of awareness of developmental impacts caused by the global climate change.

Those who are nicknamed the Robinsons on Ice or the voluntary shipwrecked men are in fact called Emmanuel HUSSENET (Expedition Leader, Journalist & Adventurer), Luc Dénoyer (Logistics, Photographer), Anne Quéméré (Scientific Reports) and Gauthier Mesnil-Blanc (illustrations).

Hussenet has just set up a programme that will proceed over five years. Its objective is to testify to the evolution of the polar icecap. The programme is articulated around three axes: sporting adventure, scientific study and environmental teaching.

On May 16, 2016, the project team organised and held a seminar with international participation “Can the climate conference in Paris change the world ?: Is the global political system able to cope with a planetary problem?” (Aka La COP21 à Paris pourrait-elle changer le monde? À à un enjeu universel, les limites du pouvoir politique?) at the French Cultural Institute in Sofia.

Emmanuel HUSSENET, French writer, journalist and researcher of the Far North, Georgi STEFANOV, Climate Coalition – Bulgaria and WWF-Bulgaria, Gennady Kondarev, Ecological Association “Za Zamyata/For the Earth”, participated in the discussion, led by Dr. Radosveta KRASTANOVA, New Bulgarian University and Educational Network PLACE OF FUTURE.

The problems that the melting of ice on the poles caused greatly impressed the participants in the discussion. The question of whether the decisions of the COP21 Climate Conference in Paris will lead to effective policies provokes a lively debate between the representatives of various academic and scientific institutions, civic initiatives and NGOs, students and lecturers from different universities (New Bulgarian University, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, University of Library and Information Technology, etc.), journalists, politicians and diplomats.

Ce n’est qu’une partie des questions auxquelles Emmanuel HUSSENET,

explorateur français du Grand Nord, écrivain et journaliste,

Le débat est organisé par l’Institut français de Bulgarie, en partenariat avec la

le Réseau éducationnel PLACE FOR FUTURE, WWF-Bulgarie,

et sera modéré par Radosveta KRASTANOVA

(Nouvelle université bulgare et Réseau éducationnel PLACE FOR FUTURE).

La COP21 à Paris pourrait-elle changer le monde ?

Face à un enjeu universel, les limites du pouvoir politique ?

Emmanuel HUSSENET, French writer, journalist and researcher of the Far North, Georgi STEFANOV, Climate Coalition – Bulgaria and WWF-Bulgaria, Gennady Kondarev, Ecological Association “Za Zamyata/For the Earth”, participated in the discussion, led by Dr. Radosveta KRASTANOVA, New Bulgarian University and Educational Network PLACE OF FUTURE. The problems that the melting of ice on the poles caused greatly impressed the participants in the discussion. The question of whether the decisions of the COP21 Climate Conference in Paris will lead to effective policies provokes a lively debate. Representatives of various academic and scientific institutions, civic initiatives and NGOs, students and lecturers from different universities (New Bulgarian University, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, University of Library and Information Technology, etc.), journalists, Politicians and diplomats.


The Climate Problems and our Common Future:

On 17 May 2016 the team of SCA-Shtastlivetsa organised a discussion with the French polar researcher Emmanuel Hussenet in the Alma Mater of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “.

Co-organizers and participants in the discussion were Ecoclub “UNECO” at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “,” S.K.O.R.E.T.S. Club” at Sofia University” St. Kliment Ohridski “, Environmental Association” For the Earth “, Educational Network” PLACE OF FUTURE “.

The melting of the glaciers, as well as the problems they led, excited the participants in the seminar. The students were most impressed by Mr. Hussenet’s initiative to make the polar island Hans an international area, and that provoked many questions and a lively discussion.

Watch the entire video of the event here:

The two debates are carried out with the financial support of the European Union.

The content of the debates is entirely the responsibility of Shtatslivetsa Sofia Civic Association, Enironmental Association “Za Zemyata/For the Earth” and PLACE FOR FUTURE Educational Network and in no way can it be considered to reflect the positions of the European Union.

Filip KIRILOV – Biodynamic Gardening and Sustainable Agriculture – lecture at International Spring University Europe on the Go

The Place for Future Interdisciplinary Education Network’ and the partcipants of the Spring University ‘Europe on the Go’ in the village of Zhelen: Visiting the Centre of the Trinoga (Tripod) Association for Sustainable Development, lecture on and demonstration of Biodynamic Gardening and Sustainable Agriculture: Filip KIRILOV.

Anyuta BORIN, Director of Chiprovtsi Historical Museum – Local and global – Europe, Chiprovtsi and the Bulgarian Northwest Region

Seminar at the International Spring University Europe on the Go – Cityzen’s Enpowerment and Sustainable Development in Chiprovtsi 2014 May, organized by Shtastlivetsa Civic Assotiacion and Place for Future Interdisciplinary Education Network with support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation Sofia and French Institute Bulgaria


Radosveta Krastanova: My Place for a Future

Radosveta Krastanova:

I commonly argue with friends, students, and colleagues about the sense of being active in Bulgaria. The conversation – emotional, skeptical or radiating touching indulgence from my interlocutor’s side – unalterably comes to one point –

We, the Bulgarian, are good-for-nothing people, the most aggrieved on the Balkans, , our country is the most unorganized of all possible, our nature – the worst protected, the roads- full of pot-holes, our infrastructure and culture – beneath criticism, the education – antediluvian, the politicians – the most unconcerned and corrupted and so on and so forth.

Our compatriots are ignorant, rough-mannered, stuck in chalga-pop folk music; furthermore lacking initiative, unmotivated, and incompetent.

However, not long ago I had a similar conversation with two of my students. They were complaining against the ignorance in Bulgaria and just like Aleko, were asking themselves “Switzerland or…?” When I asked them if they were not a piece of the same picture, they started a heated argument – their parents were different, they had chance upon relatives, teachers, friends, they were born in good social environment, they had genetically set talents. I asked them if their negative observations concern me. “In no way. How could you even think of it?” My parents? – Obviously no – being my parents they have, to a great extent, formed me, to be the person I am now. I started to extend the range of suspects – named other colleagues, lecturers, my students’ relatives – here the answer was all the same: “We are not talking about these people; they are from those OTHER people… You know what we are talking about, don’t pretend you do not understand.”

It turns out that when it comes to being concrete, the conversation sinks in schizophrenia – those conclusions refer to the OTHERS, but not for me, my parents, and my friends.

And it is so because…

The Bulgarian as an individual is a measure of intelligence, resourcefulness and adaptability, of success and flexibility, but only when they are in another, well organized, standardized and cultivated environment…

The conclusion goes without saying – I am capable and gifted, the problem is either in the system, or in the OTHERS. The way to escape is to run. Run out- abroad, or run in – in ourselves, in the more and more limited circle of friends.

Our dreams reach the same – we dream how to escape from the reality in Bulgaria, not how to make it better. Because the way to live better in Bulgaria is to work together with the OTHERS, and to work with them we must have our own, but common project for future…


A Bulgarian man from Sliven, chairman a of a local association, succeeded to prove expertly, that the water in the sewerage of the city is not suitable for drinking, because it is rusty, and for this reason unusable, and to go to law against the respective ВИК for discrimination against the population.

A few young people in love with the magic of Irakli, succeeded materials at hand, a lot of enthusiasm and twenty-four-hour dogged work (мостmost of the people hardly even realize the last of these things) to make the region a legend, their actions – a national movement, and the campaign “Save Irakli” – one of the few bright and significant symbols of the civil activity in Bulgaria.

A little civil association from a little settlement nearby Sofia, succeeded through a referendum to announce that it objects to go on living near a radioactive dung-hill.

A few organizations, associations, groups, and just citizens got over their differences, joined their efforts and created the coalition For the Nature

There are even more examples. What is nice, is that they are much more that we can even imagine. What is bad is that these people fairly know each other and this makes them weak and vulnerable. They miss a tribune, a meeting place, a room to share their experience, to talk about their problems and successes, to pass their message.

We decided PLACE FOR PUTURE to be this place. A place where students, lecturers, experts, lovers of nature, or just people with bright, active position, could meet each other. A place where good examples become visible. A place where, everyone, who is interested, can find information, learn something and pass it to the others, that way expanding the network of aware and active people.

We plan this place to settle in the university area, and to become a centre of information, discussions, debates, a tribune for the good practices, which medias hardly, rarely and tendentiously do (not) reflect. PLACE FOR FUTURE already finds its place in the educational programs of the departments, faculties, universities.

PLACE FOR FUTURE is a community of joint people, for whom the professional competency complements the civil expression, and the civil position creates bright personalities.

Our aim is to show, that among us there are people, living in the present, but creating future by their actions. People, who do not wait for the Good to come, but are happy with the timely, even small, actions. This way we will demonstrate that public society and civil activity in Bulgaria are not only a good wish, something living in politicos’ fantasies, but a real state.

We wish to make the island of public community a significant archipelago.

And my personal wish is to convince my students and colleagues to join this project, in order to extend its message and pass it like a baton…

There is an idea of succession, stability, development…

There is an idea of Future…

* * *

  • The Green Movement and the Green Parties in Bulgaria: Between System Integration and System Change