Monthly Archives: April 2013

Cultures and civilizations in human history – a lecture by Peter Kanev

Serious and unfavorable survival environment developed the first humans in them new skills – their ingenuity and inventiveness intensified complexity and tenacity and stamina reachable unique levels. Culture and imagination more developed and acquired a new kind of character uniquely complex system. Culture became part of human biology of the human genetic code . Qualities such as creativity, observation , mind, ability to communicate and to find reconciliation, faithfulness and dedication , empathy and compassion , “big heart” and intelligent expression of the rich emotions that move (such as love , joy and sadness , for example) , eloquence and the ability to tell engaging stories and incredible story becomes more and more popular in finding a spouse . So over a millennia of natural selection in the field of marriage and family are just these new cultural qualities to spread and evolved biologically , genetically inherited human communities ( ie , the mind Edgar Morin defining man as “bio- cultural merits” – our cultural human qualities are biologically inherited , they have become genetically specified part of the nature of our species ) .

The highlight of this human development , according to Attenborough , consisted in the ability to put yourself in the place of another being , imagine that you are a creature (I’m Your ) to get under his skin . Imagination , ingenuity and communication with other beings more evolved human radical persistence and will, thought , culture, myths and rituals , feelings , dreams and consciousness. So one might already provide through imaginary fusion with other creatures , their behavior , emotions, reactions and actions. This gave him an invisible and unique compass – an incredible milestone and connection with the environment in which they live. To this day, this ability to ” mystical empathy with” the world ( in the words of anthropologist Franz Boaz ) and empathy for each other creature ( sympathy , compassion entry in the position of others) remains one of the most unique , most amazing , at our human qualities of our human nature .

German-Bulgarian student exchanges: Sustainable consumption – provided the world with a future Weimar, May 2013

В рамките на Образователна мрежа „Място за бъдеще

SHTASTLIVETSA Sofia Civic Assotiatin  Място за бъдеще - Mozilla Firefox 20.5.2015 г. 152324  & logo-ejbw

Sustainable consumption for a sustainable world

German-Bulgarian Youth Exchange

(Read the German Version - HERE!)

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Място за бъдеще  Place for Future - Mozilla Firefox 20.5.2015 г. 131136The Project
Germany is regarded as a model for the countries of Eastern Europe in the field of sustainable economy, social responsibility and environmental protection.
Sustainability requires not only compliance with standards for Environment Quality, but also the orientation toward social justice. For this reason, the youth exchange deals with these two issues from the standpoint nuclei of human rights and environmental consumption and as a connection point between the two – the Sustainable Consumption. Young people are informed and encouraged to think about the issues and share their own impressions, and their ownership is strengthened. This will provide information and useful advice for sustainable consumption in Bulgaria and Germany, as well as information about the project and the names of the parties.

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During the program the young people deal with the following subjects apart:
1. Sustainable and non-sustainable development in Germany and Bulgaria
2. Human rights and human rights violations as a result of non-sustainable development
3. Responsible use of resources
4. Sustainable consumption

Немско-български ученически обмен Устойчивото потребление – условие за свят �Programme

20.05. Arrival Welcome and acquaintance, entry evening

Sustainability in Weimar
(Previously prepared) presentation of the management team, in-depth acquaintance, expectation query, presentations of Bulgarian and German participants:

Afternoon: city rally: explore the city of Weimar with its sustainable urban environment and
numerous personalities (Focus references to sustainability, such as Goethe and in his scientific works, or at Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf education or propagated by him biodynamic landscape).

Evening: evaluation of the city rally, exchange impressions; “What is sustainability?”

Human rights and sustainability
22:05. Morning: presentation on the human rights and fundamental values; Case Study – Bananenhandel- negative effects of human rights violations and environmental degradation. What is fair trade?

Doing workshops on two subjects, exercise about consumption and own role: Afternoon

Evening: movie night – a thematic film

Think globally – act locally
23.05. Morning: workshops in working groups – sustainable food, sustainable clothing and cosmetics, sustainable transport, sustainable energy – country-related information

Afternoon: outdoor activities, photography workshop; Interim Evaluation

Evening: International evening

24.05 AM: Continuation of group work
Afternoon: Presentation of results and discussion of the flyer;

Interaction with the local community

Afternoon: interaction with the local community, record video clips with individual messages for sustainable consumption of the participants. Evaluation

Closing evening

26.05. Seminar evaluation, departure


Kinder- und Jugendplan des Bundes

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Water – source of life and conductor of emotion

University Club of Ecology and Sustainable Development UNECO
project “Place for the future”
presented :
Water – source of life and conductor of emotion
The world is facing a water deficit
seminar discussion on “Water”. [...]


The seminar “Water” performed by the University Club of Ecology and Sustainable Development and Project  “Place for the future,” attracted great interest in November. So on December 17, 2008 UNECO club organized for the topic again in 65th audience Rector of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “. The club presented its presentation [...]