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Radosveta Krastanova is an assistant professor at the New Bulgarian University. She teaches environmental policy and sustainable development to bachelor and master program students at the Departments of Political Science and Economics and Business Administration. Since 2008, she has been working on her doctoral thesis concerning civic participation in the Green Movement in Bulgaria within the framework of a joint doctoral program between the New Bulgarian University and the University of Burgundy, Dijon, France.
Radosveta Krastanova specialized at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom (2008), and at the University of Burgundy (2006, 2012). She is member of the research team with the House of the Humanities (La Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Dijon) in Dijon, France which studies the behavior and attitudes of citizens to the environmental problems and policies. She has a number of publications in Bulgarian, French and English on the new forms of citizen and political mobilization in modern democracies, especially on the “New green wave” in Bulgaria, underlying the motivation of the civic participation in environmental issues. She is co-author and editor (together with Peter Kanev) of the collection entitled “A Place for the Future. Year One.”, Sofia, Sofia Civic Association – “Shtastlivetsa”, 2009 containing articles and studies of researchers, experts, journalists, and students on topical subjects connected with ecology, environmentalism, sustainable development, civic participation and citizen empowerment.
At the same time, Radosveta is Chairperson of the Sofia Civic Association – “Shtastlivetsa”, a member of the civic coalition set up for the resolution of the solid waste disposal crisis in Sofia (2005 – 2006), and an active member of the National Environmental Coalition “For the Nature” from its inception in 2006 to the present day. Over the last three years, this “Shtastlivetsa” Association has been establishing contacts and organizing interaction events among various civic society actors ( the academic community, the NGO sector, the business community, and the local authorities), and has been promoting the introduction of sustainable development as both an academic discipline and student practice on the level of university education, in the framework of the educational network PLACE FOR FUTURE
Radosveta Krestanova – International coordinator for ‘Place for Future’ Interdisciplinary Education Network
Civic activity: Chairperson of the Board of Shtastlivetsa Sofia Civic Association
Civic experience: Coalition “Zero Waste” Coalition “For the Nature”
Occupation: lecturer, department Political Science in French language, New Bulgarian University (NBU)
Academic qualifications: Master of French Philology, specialization – translation; Assistant in French Language for Political Scientists; PhD student in Political Science at NBU and the University of Burgundy at Dijon, France
Professional and non-professional experience: Studio for Feature Films “Vreme”, Bulgarian National Radio, Editor’s office for Bulgarians abroad, Club for Literature and Philosophy “IDIOT” (1995-2003), Publishing House “Arges”, Publishing House “Kama” , “Europe” schools, French Institute, Frankophone Agency, museum “Earth and Man”, and many other adventures…
Two words: surrealist in action
For contact: radosvetakk in gmail.com,
Radosveta Krastanova: My Place for a Future
We wish to make the island of public community a significant archipelago.
‘Europe on a crossroad: from the EP elections towards European Citizens’ Initiative’: Stoil TSITSELKOV (European Association for the Defence of Human Rights – Bulgaria and Shtastlivetsa Civic Association), Radosveta KRASTANOVA (Shtastlivetsa Civic Association and New Bulgarian University).
Official Closing of the Spring University at Chiprovtsi Municipality (Ceremonial Hall): Radosveta KRASTANOVA (Shtastlivetsa Civic Association and New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Presentation at Nottingham University:
On Spontaneous Civic Movements in Defense of Bulgarian Nature
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- Part I: The Green Movement as a Dissident Movement
Origins and Emergence of the Green Movement in Bulgaria The Inspirations of the Dissident Movement in Bulgaria: Environmental Humanitarianism, Ecological Issues, Human Rights Activity, and Social Change From Global Change to Local Action - Part II: The Green Movement as a Non-Governmental Organization
From Dissident Politics to European Policies: Professionalization and Europeanization of the Green Movement Establishment and Consolidation of the Environmentalist NGOs Institutionalization of the Environmental Issues by Making Them Part of the Political Agenda
- Part III: The Green Movement as a Civic Movement of a New Type or the “New Green Wave”
The Green Movement within the Post-Transition Context: New Challenges, New Issues, New Actors
Civic Green Policy
From Local Campaigns to a Global Change
From a Grassroots Movement to the Establishment of a New Green Party
- Part IV. The Green Movement and the Green Parties
Parties of the Change and Parties of the Status-quoConclusion
- The development and distinctiveness of the Green Movement and the green parties in Bulgaria reflect the intricate logic of the transformations, which have been taking place in Bulgarian society over the past quarter of a century. The actors of the Green Movement have responded to these processes both in the direction of system integration and – more frequently – in the direction of contesting and opposing the system, whereby in their most productive periods they have even contributed to system change.
- Much like the green parties in the West, the Bulgarian environmental movement is the result of a social evolution promoted by a middle class that has endorsed a new type of modern culture. This middle class, however, has emerged and consolidated at a different historical time and in quite a different setting. This is the reason why it mirrors peculiarities that are common for the civic movements in the countries of the former socialist system, but at the same time it manifests specific traits typical for the “Bulgarian model” of transition.
- Environmentalism is one of the few causes capable of generating wide public support in Bulgarian society on an ongoing basis. During the three stages of its evolution (the “dissident” period from the end of the 1980s, the “NGO” period during the 1990s, and the “new green wave” of the first decade of the 21st century), the Movement has been expressing public discontent, has defended public interest against private interests clad in power, and has been a unifying factor of the broad moral opposition against the practices of the political status quo. The Green Movement has also been manifesting the national attachment to Nature, the deep cultural roots of which span over centuries.
- Despite its achievements, the Green Movement has failed to embed an autonomous and influential green party of its own in the institutions of power. The Movement – Party relationships are problematic. What has gained the upper hand is the logic that the Green Movement should go without a party and that the green parties should be outside the Green Movement. The reason why is that parties take environmentalism on board to the purpose of coming to power but afterwards they rapidly get marginalized.
- The willpower for direct civic participation in the decision-making processes over the last years has marked a new stage in the development of the Green Movement. After 2005, the consolidation of the environmentalist community into a civic coalition named “For Nature in Bulgaria to Stay” and the establishment of a new green formation determined to represent an authentic environmental party (the Greens), have set up prerequisites for launching an autonomous environmental project in Bulgaria. The volatility of the party system and the voter disappointment with the parties of the status quo now have opened opportunities for new political actors to emerge.
- The integration of the environmental project goes through the lasting inclusion of the green priorities on the agendas of all political parties and in the country’s policy at large. So far, the Bulgarian political system is far from envisaging an objective like this. The role of a catalyst to these processes once again falls on the shoulders of civic society embodied by the Green Movement, whereas the hopes for a “green breakthrough” in the system will continue to be linked to the synergy between this Movement and an authentic Green Party.
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