Radosveta Krastanova – International coordinator for ‘Place for Future’ Interdisciplinary Education Network
Civic activity: Chairperson of the Board of Shtastlivetsa Sofia Civic Association
Civic experience: Coalition “Zero Waste” , Coalition “For the Nature”
Occupation: lecturer, department Political Science in French language, New Bulgarian University (NBU)
Academic qualifications: Master of French Philology, specialization – translation; Assistant in French Language for Political Scientists; PhD student in Political Science at NBU and the University of Burgundy at Dijon, France
Two words: surrealist in action
For contact: radosvetakk in,
Radosveta Krastanova: My Place for a Future
We wish to make the island of public community a significant archipelago.
Official Closing of the Spring University at Chiprovtsi Municipality (Ceremonial Hall): Radosveta KRASTANOVA (Shtastlivetsa Civic Association and New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria)
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dr. Petar Kanev – main coordinator for the “Place for Future” Interdisciplinary Education Network
Civic activity: member of the Board of Shtastlivetsa Sofia Civic Association
Civic experience: coalition “Zero Waste” , Coalition “For the Nature”
Occupation: assistant professor in Informing and Communications Department at the University of Library Studies and Information Techologies
research fellow in Anthropological Studies Department at the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Science
Academic qualifications: Master of Cultural Studies (Sofia University, 1999), Doctor of Philosophy (Department of Anthropology and Religious Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Science)
Two words: more light
Contact:, 0988884303
Petar Kanev – A Place for the Future? or Despite the Slops
Petar KANEV and Serge DUFOULON What happens with the New Paradigm?
Seminar at the International Spring University Europe on the Go – Cityzen’s Enpowerment and Sustainable Development
Dr. Petar Kanev – The Global Criminalization as a Local Problem …
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Kalin Nenov – coordinator of the virtual campaign of Place for Future, translator, editor
Civic activity
: core member of the Human Library Foundation, creator and coordinator of MREDJAN (a civic action network), participant in “Ecological and practical” (a Bulgarian educational website)
Civic experience: volunteer in Green Balkans, For the Earth (Za Zemiata), For the Nature; participant in over 500 international environmental electronic campaigns; “specializes” in forest protection, climate change, and the role of personal choices
Occupation: translator, student
Academic qualifications: BA in English Language and Culture at NBU; currently doing a Master’s degree in Translation, again at NBU – European masters in translation also there.
Professional and non-professional experience:
here (in Bulgarian only)
Two words: connect, holism
Contact: kalin.nenov in
Kalin NENOV (NBU, Shtastlivetsa)
The Human Library – Alternative Culture and Society of XXI Century
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Gergana Kosturkova – intern, coordinator for Sofia University and University Club for Ecology and Sustainable Development UNECO
Occupation: student at Sofia University, doing BA in International Relations
Civic activity
: active member of UNECO; member of the Board of the Managers of Association “AMIGO” – Active Youth Initiatives for Civil Society; volunteer-mentor at Association “Volunteers Bulgaria”
Academic qualifications: BA in Cultural Studies at Sofia University
Two words: care, smile
Contact: gergana.kosturkova in
German-Bulgarian student exchanges:
Sustainable consumption – provided the world with a future Weimar, May 2013
Sustainable Development in Chiprovtsi
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Yuliana Naskova – coordinator
– A Vission for Place for Future
I wish our project, which definitely is pilot and innovative as a spirit and conception, to become a stable center of ideas, strategies, plans, places, and people
Yuliana NASKOVA (Vlahi Nature School, The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate and Shtastlivetsa Civic Association, Sofia).Seminar: ‘The Erasmus Generation: Vlahi Nature School: Sustainable Development, Volunteering, New Type of Education for Children and New Postmaterialist Culture’
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Ivan Popov – Ivo – Coordinator Art, Advertising and Public Relations
Ivan Popov – Ivo singing by the fire to the waterfall in Svrachi Dol: Chiprovtsi
in the mountain.
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Stoil TSITSELKOV - Jerry:
Coordinator Defence of Human Rights and Cultural Menagment
European Association for the Defence of Human Rights – Bulgaria and Shtastlivetsa Civic Association
Stoil TSITSELKOV - Jerry: ‘Europe on a crossroad: from the EP elections towards European Citizens’ Initiative’ together with , Radosveta KRASTANOVA (Shtastlivetsa Civic Association and New Bulgarian University).
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Dr. Desislava ALEKSOVA
Coordinator for Ecological Organizations Network, ‘For the Nature Coalition’ and Environmental Civic Movements
Expert in Alternative and Sustainable Tourism
International Business School – Botevgrad and Shtastlivetsa
Dr. Desislava ALEKSOVA: The Civic Green Movement in Bulgaria from 2005 until 2014: Successes, Problems and Perspectives for Citizens’ Empowerment’: together wiyh Vera PETKANCHIN (For the Nature Coalition, Citizens for Rila civic group and Shtastlivetsa)
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Chiprovtsi, Alternative and Development (CHAR) Association and Shtastlivetsa Civic Association.
Coordinator for West Stara Planina Region and Chiprovtsi Municipality
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Georgi Stefanov – Coordinator
WWF – Bulgaria
Climate Coalition
and Shtastlivetsa Association
Expert in Climate Change, Environmental Politics, Ecological Management and Sustainable Tourism
Lecturer in New Bulgarian University
Georgi Stefanov – The Begining of Place for Future
The aim of PLACE FOR FUTURE is to unite the liberty-loving people, with “unaffected souls”, who have a vision of the important things in our existence, and in the same time to help each other.
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Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, BAS and Shtastlovetsa Association
Coordinator for Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)
Dr. Lilia SAZONOVA (Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, BAS) — Cultural aspects of sustainable development: lecture at the Travelling university and Summer school for sustainable regional development ‘Place for Future: Chiprovtsi 2013′ 3-9 June 2013 Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria
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arch. dr. Kliment IVANOV
Coordinator for the Depatment of Architecture
‘Green cities: how to save, renovate and bring back to life key urban spaces through sustainable management and development of cities’: arch. Kliment IVANOV (New Bulgarian University) and Dr. Franck DUBOIS (La Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Dijon, France )
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Coordinator for
- La Maison des sciences de l’Homme, Dijon
- Georges Chevrier Centre at the University of Burgundy
Franck DUBOIS (House of Human Sciences, Dijon, France) — Sustainable development in Dijon — best practices for sustainable urbanization: lecture at the Travelling university and Summer school for sustainable regional development
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Neli Nikolova – Coordinator for Traditional, Slow and Authentic Food
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Neli Stankova – accountant of Shtastlivetsa Association
Lyudmila Ivanova – documentation manager
Dimitra Kaneva – Coordinator
Simeon Gorov – Coordinator
Dimitar Balchov – Photographer
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architect Martin Mikush – auteur of Place for Future logo and conception
one of the creators of Place for Future Education Network
Yordanka Dineva (Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation) – coordinator with coalition of civil campaigns and nature-conservation organizations “For the Nature
Nadezhda Maksimova – coordinator with coalition of civil campaigns and nature-conservation organizations “For the Nature”
Rostislav Kandilarov – coordinator of the town of Rousse
Alexander Kodzhabashev – legal consultant on issues of environmental law and civic participation
Doboer den,
Je suis enfin tombé sur un site qui montre une image magnifique de la Bulgarie et en français . En effet mes efforts pour apprendre votre langue ne sont pas encore couronnés de succès mais je persévérai. L’ouest de la Bulgarie n’est pratiquement pas décrit dans les guides en français ( je suis suisse roman) . Ce sera la deuxième fois que j’irai en Bulgarie peut-être en septembre 2014 avec un ami. Et notre projet est de visiter l’Ouest Nord. Si vous voulez bien me suggérer quelques piste d’informations sur votre magnifique pays nous en serions très heureux. Je vais poursuivre ma lecture de votre site en attendant. Si vous voulez correspondre en français ce sera un plaisir pour moi (en attendant que je puisse écrire en bulgare…)
Merci pour votre site et bonne année 2014
jean-pierre papis
44 ch du Bois de By
1286 SOral / Genève( Suisse)
Здравейте, бих желала да се свържа с г-н Иван Попов- Иво във връзка с проект: „Био-център в обществена полза – квартал Витоша, ВЕЦ Сименово – изграден на принципите на пермакултурата“, който бихме искали да представим.
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