Join our Travelling University ‘Place for Future’ 2016 in Western Stara Planina and Chiprovtsi (26 May – 1 June 2016)
, in Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria:
In 2016, the Travelling University will take place from May 26 till June 1. Our unifying thread will be Cities of the Future / The Future of Cities. CLICK HERE for more information
Travelling University 2016
Photos of the event young Jim and I attended last summer, which is a collection of scholars and students from mainly Sofia HE Institutions, who form the Shtastlivetsa Civic Association.
It’s interdisciplinary and incorporates a wide range of subjects and fields from sociology, anthropology, ecology, archelogogy, philosophy, English, public admin and so on.
There were professors and participants came as far from France, Germany, Greece, Serbia and even myself and my student Jim from institutions in South Korea (even though we are from Scotland and China).
Nonetheless, the international mix worked well, I certainly had no difficult understanding anyone, Jim got an opportunity to study with other students whose 1st language was not English either, which all culminated in a group presentation on an objective task. It was very much a ‘classroom without walls’ there was not too much authority, the students thrived in the such conditions of trust, and demonstrated that they not only had the enthusiasm to deliver to task, but also good presentation skills and ideas to carry it all off at the end.
For Jim it was a chance to use some English and some of the skills he had learned as an undergraduate, to deliver an idea or information in second language, based on his own and the views of his group members. While for me it was interesting observation into the exploration of alternative pedagogical approaches beyond the confines of a classroom to see how students behave and perform under certain conditions where there are no grades at stake or some authority figure bending and shaping or dictating what should be done and how it should be done.
The result was a very intersting experience not just doing school like work out in the field, but learning a lot of aspects into the life of the people who lived there, the skills and crafts they had, their personality, outlook, their pride in themselves and their lifes, their hopes, fears and so on. It was also something that you not only look or listen to, but you taste, feel and smell (it is the countryside after all…and all 5 senses work outside the class, not the just the basic primary ones….feeling grass between your feet, tasting homemade country foods, smelling the mountain morning mist, feeling the sun….and lots of stuff.
So, I definitely gave the ‘Traveling University’ an A+ . In fact ithe whole notion of a non-static education to me, is a complete no brainer, what’s more important is that the youth (and old timers like me) better get their skates on and learn a lot of things they don’t teach practically in universities otherwise they’ll be gone, they’ll just crumble and die…and that would be a tremendous loss to humanity really.
It’s the old Joni Mitchell thing….”you don’t know what you got till it’s gone”
Kids need to learn this knowledge (and skills if they can), like where food comes from and how things are made…and the importance of ecology to a sustainable life.
I’m a bit sad, my new job will mean I won’t have time this year to go to this years event, but I will certainly keep in touch and hopefully do more research on alternative and experiential learning approaches (as students get a lot out of it, I’ve found).
Matthew Love
For eight years now, Shtastlivetsa Association has organized interdisciplinary summer schools, lectures, seminars, student practices and internships, debates, and artistic happenings—all dedicated to the new paradigm of Sustainable Development. Some of our topics have brought together ecohumanism, new science, alternative culture and education, innovative forms of democracy and civic participation, ecology and environment quality.
We have been weaving, like a Chiprovtsi carpet, the Place for Future education network, a community drawing its inspiration from a young tradition: the International Travelling University in the Municipality of Chiprovtsi and the region of Western Stara Planina in Bulgaria. Our aim and passion is promoting cooperative culture and sustainable living. This means providing information and inspiration but also knowledge and reflection for those seeking a community, forming communities, struggling with the challenges of the new communal shapes, or wishing to develop a greater sense of community in their workplace or the various environments in which they live and communicate.
NEXT EVENT: JOIN US! in our next
Interdisciplinary International Traveling University:
in Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria:
We still have some free places for lecturers, students and volunteers from EU and if you or your students or colleagues are interested in to join us, we can still manage that. You can book a ticket to Sofia and send us a link at place.for.future -at- The Departure from Sofia is at July 6, 8.30 from St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. We will travel from Sofia to Chiprovtsi with bus with microphones for lectures on the road, 50 seats.
A Transdisciplinary Education Network for Sustainable Development and Civic Participation, established by the Shtastlivetsa Sofia Civic Association and its partners.
The region of Chiprovtsi and Western Stara Planina has often been labelled as the poorest one in the European Union. At the same time, it is one of the richest in ancient nature, history and culture in all of Europe. Its past-future is associated with the oldest remains of human beings on the continent and some of the oldest civilizations in the world, with the first European alphabet and the first Western university in Bulgaria, with the origins of Renaissance Europe: remarkable specimens of art and spirituality, of goldsmithing and weaving, of enlightenment and European diplomacy, of the first modern European self-identification in Bulgarian culture. Chiprovtsi’s history still keeps numerous secrets and offers new horizons to our knowledge and self-awareness.
Chiprovtsi is unique in that its link between past and future has never been broken over the millennia. It gives us an opportunity to recall who we are and ask where we are headed. The site from where we human beings once entered Europe is also a site where we may look for an answer: which way now? And we may find this answer: in the air of sensitivity and mysterious depth that permeates everything; in the old houses and pristine mountains with their spirit that captures the ancient symbols, still alive in the tradition of Chiprovtsi carpet-making and the ancient local rites: the immaterial treasures that we can discover, not by digging the earth, but by looking around ourselves with enlightened eyes and minds. The pristine state of the Chiprovtsi Municipality is a unique opportunity for developing the entire region in a sustainable way, towards our common future on planet Earth.
By drawing attention to the Municipality of Chiprovtsi, the members of Shtastlivetsa and their partners hope to infuse new life into the region of Western Stara Planina: a cultural endemic and relict, a living treasure from humankind’s past offering hope for humankind’s future, a dying Noah’s Ark still waiting to be awakened. Shtastlivetsa has been working for years with the local community towards opening the gates of Western Stara Planina to the large European family: to its knowledgeable scholars and practitioners and to its enlightened young people—the future of Europe, whom we still may give the faith in a fair life of dialogue and understanding on our only possible home in the Universe.
For more information about our next and previous Traveling Universities, please see the following links:
All about our next International Traveling University in
Chiprovtsi 2015: New and Traditional Communities in Europe: Between Past and Future: Program
7 years Traveling Universities ‘Place for Future’ in Chiprovtsi including:
More about the region West Stara Planina
Europe on the Go, Spring University, Chiprovtsi
May 19-24, 2014
(To watch the videos, click on the pictures)
Day 1: Monday, 19 May 2014
The Place for Future Interdisciplinary Education Network and the participants in the ‘Europe on the Go’ Spring University in the village of Zhelen: Visiting the Centre of the Trinoga (Tripod) Association for Sustainable Development, visiting the old school (Daskalovata Kashta), lecture on and demonstration of biodynamic gardening and agriculture: Filip KIRILOV.
Yuliana NASKOVA (Vlahi Nature School, The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate and Shtastlivetsa Civic Association, Sofia).Seminar: ‘The Erasmus Generation: Vlahi Nature School: Sustainable Development, Volunteering, New Type of Education for Children and New Postmaterialist Culture’
Filip KIRILOV – Lecture in the village of Zhelen: Visiting the Centre of the Trinoga (Tripod) Association for Sustainable Development, visiting the old school (Daskalovata Kashta), lecture on and demonstration of Biodynamic Gardening and Sustainable Agriculture: Filip KIRILOV.
Teodor VASILEV (NC Future Now and Shtastlivetsa Civic Association, Sofia). Seminar: ‘The Erasmus generation: sustainable development, volunteering and the new postmaterialist culture’: at theTrinoga (Tripod) Association for Sustainable Development in Daskalovata Kashta in Zhelen, host Filip Kirilov.
Kiril TSENEV (Poet, artist, traveller) and Slav from Artecolonia Zhelen. Seminar and discussion: ‘The Erasmus generation: sustainable development, volunteering and the new postmaterialist culture’: at the Trinoga Association for Sustainable Development in Daskalovata Kashta in Zhelen, host Filip Kirilov.
Day 2: Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Opening at Chiprovtsi Historical Museum:
Lecture: ‘Local and global – Europe, Chiprovtsi and the Bulgarian Northwest Region’: Anyuta BORIN, Director of Chiprovtsi Historical Museum,
Yordanka ZAMFIROVA, expert at Chiprovtsi Municipality and Shtastlivetsa Civic Association.
A) ‘Europe on a crossroad: from the EP elections towards European Citizens’ Initiative’: Stoil TSITSELKOV (European Association for the Defence of Human Rights – Bulgaria and Shtastlivetsa Civic Association), Radosveta KRASTANOVA (Shtastlivetsa Civic Association and New Bulgarian University).
B) ‘The Civic Green Movement in Bulgaria from 2005 until 2014: Successes, Problems and Perspectives for Citizens’ Empowerment’: Vera PETKANCHIN (For the Nature Coalition, Citizens for Rila civic group and Shtastlivetsa) , Dr. Desislava ALEKSOVA (International Business School – Botevgrad and Shtastlivetsa)
A) ‘Folk customs, handicrafts, carpet weaving’: Yulia IGNATOVA, master carpet maker.
B) ‘The garden of colouring herbs at the Katerinina House Ethnographic Museum’: Sevka BARDINSKA, master carpet and tapestry maker.
Day 3: Wednesday, 21 May 2014
‘Green cities: how to save, renovate and bring back to life key urban spaces through sustainable management and development of cities’: arch. Kliment IVANOV (New Bulgarian University) and Dr. Franck DUBOIS (La Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Dijon, France )
New social movements in New Europe: students and civic movements and defence of public values’: Anti-TAFTA Mobilisation as one of new kind of trans-national European mobilisations – Etienne CIAPIN (Ph.D Student, Université Pierre Mendès France – Grenoble II)
Visiting the Kozarnika cave near the village of Oreshets (near Belogradchik), where 3 years ago, a paleoarchaeologist team found the oldest human remains in Europe (Homo erectus dating from 1.6 million years ago). Lecture by Prof. Nikolay SIRAKOV (National Institute of Archaeology with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). Looking around the cave under the guidance of discoverers Aleta GUADELLI (University of Bordeaux IV Montesquieu,Prof. Jean-Luc Guadelli‘s wife) and prof. SIRAKOV. (In Bulgarian.)
Day 4: Thursday, 22 May 2014
Visit to the Petar Parchevich School: Meeting with the headmistress and students, carpet weaving workshop, the garden of natural dyes: Svetlana TRENCHEVA, Headmistress, and Nikola NIKOLOV.
A) ‘Identity, values and borders in Europe’: Professor Gilles ROUET (Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, and French Institute, Bulgaria),
Julien DOUTRE (Ph.D Student, Université Pierre Mendès France – Grenoble II) and Nikola ATANASOV (Ph.D Student, St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University):
A Quick Introduction to Sustainable Development
B) ‘What happens with the new paradigms: New science and tradition and innovation in education’: Dr. Petar KANEV (University for Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, and Shtatslivetsa), Professor Serge DUFOULON (Université Pierre Mendès France – Grenoble II).
Workshop: Visit to the Community Centre, meeting with the CHAR Association, presentation of local folklore: dance, music, traditional instruments.
Day 5: Friday, 23 May 2014
Student Conference in the Ceremonial Hall of Chiprovtsi Municipality and Official Closing of the ‘Europe on the Go’ Spring University, Chiprovtsi 2014
Student Conference in the Ceremonial Hall of Chiprovtsi Municipality: Students present the results of their three-day collaboration in groups. Moderator: Emilia KRAYNOVA – Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Official guest: the French Ambassador in Bulgaria, M. Xavier Lapeyre DE CABANES.
Official Closing of the Spring University at Chiprovtsi Municipality (Ceremonial Hall): Radosveta KRASTANOVA (Shtastlivetsa Civic Association and New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Petar KANEV (Place for Future Education Network, Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Serge DUFOULON (Pierre-Mendès-France University, Grenoble, France), Frank DUBOIS (University of Burgundy, Dijon, France, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Dijon, France)
Student Conference: Students, divided into four working groups, each with two leaders from our team, present particular topics explored at the seminars, analysing and systematizing them. The key topics include:
I Student Work Group: Problems on the road to citizen empowerment and sustainable development
II Student Work Group:Citizens’ Achievements that have already happened
Leaders of the work group: Franck Dubois,
III Student Work Group: Ideas and Suggestions for the Future
Presentation by Elena Tsitselkova
Leaders of the work group: Etienne Ciapin, Lilia Sazonova
IV Student Work Group: Practices and Potential for Regional Sustainable Development
Presentation by Kalina Levkova and Julien Doutre
Presentation by Gergana Kosturkova
Leaders of the work group: Desislava Alexova, Julien Doutre
Official Closing of the Spring University
Anatoli PARVANOV (Mayor of Chiprovtsi), Regine SCHUBERT (Director of Friedrich Ebert Foundation – Sofia), Gilles ROUET (French Institute Sofia, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystricá, Slovakia). Official guest: the French Ambassador in Bulgaria, M. Xavier Lapeyre DE CABANES,
Hiking to the Chiprovtsi waterfall or a trip in the mountain: Gushovski Monastery – Kopren Peak – village of Kopilovtsi – and back, or Svrachi Dol: led by Nkolai NIKOLOV. Lunch in the mountain.
Day 6: Saturday, 24 May 2014
Departure from Chiprovtsi
Visiting Chiprovtsi Monastery
Arrival in Belogradchik, lunch at Mislen Kamak Restaurant.
Visiting the Belogradchik Rocks, a natural phenomenon, and Kaleto Fortress.
Departure from Belogradchik
Certificates for all partcipants in the ‘Europe on the Go‘ Spring University, Chiprovtsi 2014
… return to Sofia.
Unfortunately, there are no videos from the following events:
‘Citizens and the city: knowledge, initiatives and participation of minorities. The ‘Zhenski pazar’ case in Sofia’: Dragomir KONSTANTINOV (Zelenika Foundation), Dr. Lilia SAZONOVA (Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, BAS and Shtatslivetsa)
Meetings with the local community (representatives of civil society and the municipal authorities in Chiprovtsi) and presenting the ‘For the Balkan Mountains and for the People’ project, aimed at sustainable development of the West and Central Balkan Mountains region: funding opportunities for student fieldwork in the area, organizing volunteers to help farmers and other local businesses with the expert assistance of organizations, committed to supporting sustainable businesses and providing ecosystem benefits: led by Georgi STEFANOV (WWF Bulgaria and Shtastlivetsa), Yordanka DINEVA (For the Nature Coalition) and Rosen VASILEV (Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation)
* Chiprovtsi 2015: The topic of our next Traveling University is:
To see all the photos, click HERE!
Place for Future: Chiprovtsi 2013
VIDEO Diary:
How to create local sustainable agriculture and sustainable environment in Bulgaria – problems and hopes - Nadezhda MAKSIMOVA (alternative farmer in the town of Tryavna): lecture at the Travelling university and Summer school for sustainable regional development ‘Place for Future: Chiprovtsi 2013′ 3-9 June 2013
Franck DUBOIS (House of Human Sciences, Dijon, France) — Sustainable development in Dijon — best practices for sustainable urbanization: lecture at the Travelling university and Summer school for sustainable regional development ‘Place for Future: Chiprovtsi 2013′ 3-9 June 2013 Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria
Dr. Lilia SAZONOVA (Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, BAS) — Cultural aspects of sustainable development: lecture at the Travelling university and Summer school for sustainable regional development ‘Place for Future: Chiprovtsi 2013′ 3-9 June 2013 Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria
Kalin NENOV (NBU, Shtastlivetsa)
The Human Library – Alternative Culture and Society of XXI Century
lecture at the Travelling university and Summer school for sustainable regional development ‘Place for Future: Chiprovtsi 2013′ 3-9 June 2013 Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria
Andrey KOVACHEV (Balkani Wildlife Society) – “Natura 2000 in Bulgaria – problems and prospects”
lecture at the Travelling university and Summer school for sustainable regional development ‘Place for Future: Chiprovtsi 2013′ 3-9 June 2013 Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria
Katerina RAKOVSKA (WWF) – Natura 2000 and the Green civil society in Bulgaria, For the Nature Coalition: lecture at the Travelling university and Summer school for sustainable regional development ‘Place for Future: Chiprovtsi 2013′ 3-9 June 2013 Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria
Dr. Petar KANEV (ISSK, BAS, Shtastlivetsa) - The Global Criminalization as a Local Problem
Discussion at the Travelling university and Summer school for sustainable regional development ‘Place for Future: Chiprovtsi 2013′ 3-9 June 2013 Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria
Kalin NENOV (The Human Library and Shtatslivetsa Civic Association) - Why I joined Shtastlivetsa
Discussion at the Travelling university and Summer school for sustainable regional development ‘Place for Future: Chiprovtsi 2013′ 3-9 June 2013 Chiprovtsi, Bulgaria
Initiative organized by Shtastlivetsa Civic Association and the Place for Future Education Network.
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Implemented with the financial assistance of the Bachelor and Master Faculties of New Bulgarian University (NBU) and Friedrich Ebert Foundation – Sofia
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See also: pictures from the previous student traineeships Place for Future in Chiprovtsi
Place for Future traveling seminar in Western Stara Planina; photos: Ivan Popov, Petar Kanev
Place for Future traveling seminar in Western Stara Planina; photos: Marta Dimitrova (May 2009)
Place for Future traveling seminar in Western Stara Planina; photos: Gabriela Petrova
Place for Future traveling seminar in West Balkan Nature Park, 15-18 May; photos: Elena Sabo
Place for Future in Northwestern Stara Planina seminar, May 2009; photos: Mihail Mihov
Place for Future seminar in Western Stara Planina; photos: Marta Pavlova
Traveling seminar in Western Stara Planina, May 2009; photos: Simona Ilieva
Place for future in the Madona Guest-house in Belogradchik
Place for Future in the Falkovets hamlet near Belogradchik
Culture of the Future, Chiprovtsi 2010
Culture of the Future summer field work in Chiprovtsi, 11-17 July 2010
Culture of the Future, Chiprovtsi 2009: photos by Radosveta Krestanova
- photos: Nikola Kayryakov Culture of the Future, Chiprovtsi 2009
Watch also:
Dr. Petar Kanev speaks about the Place for Future traineeships in Chiprovtsi
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