
Dear friends of the Place for Future educational network and of Shtastlivetsa Sofia Civic Association:

Activities of associations like ours rely on your support – including your donations.

Here are the options:

1. Directly from your ePay micro account (at Here are the details of Shtastlivetsa Sofia Civic Association at ePay:

Customer number: 6847748051
E-mail: placeforfuture at gmail-dot-com

2. With a debit or credit card at an ATM:

Follow the instructions here. Make sure you write down Shtastlivetsa’s BULSTAT: 175100581.

3. By credit card online. Our email is placeforfuture at gmail-dot-com

4. By easyPay: Choose a convenient easyPay office here. Ask to make a transfer to the ePay micro account of Shtastlivetsa Sofia Civic Association.

Customer number: 6847748051
E-mail: placeforfuture at gmail-dot-com

5. To the bank account of Shtastlivetsa Sofia Civic Association:

IBAN: BG16 ESPY 4004 0068 0307 09

NB! If you choose options 1 through 4, after you make the donation, please drop us a line (at placeforfuture at gmail-dot-com) and tell us when you sent it.

Donate 5 leva or 50, or more – as much as you can afford and see fit. We will inform each donor how your funds were used in the Place for Future campaigns.

If you want your donation to be targeted – at a specific activity fitting the initiatives, values ​​and goals of Shtastlivetsa or Place for Future – please let us know. Together, we will discuss with you how to carry out your idea best.

Any amount will help us. As we say in Bulgaria: drop by drop, a pool can be filled.

One thought on “Donate

  1. Pingback: Покана за Пътуващ университет „Място за бъдеще“ 2016 в Западна Стара планина и Чипровци (26 – 31 май 2016 г.) | Място за бъдеще

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